Saturday, January 2, 2010


I'm not much into introspection but I've done some of it in the last couple of months: in November because I turned 61, and in the past couple of days because I realize I an entering my 8th decade! I can remember a time when I thought 61 was "dead with old age" and that NO ONE could possible live through 8 decades. What I have come to realize is that I've had an amazing journey and I still have many, many things I want to do. Here's a sample:
  1. Complete our project of visiting all the National Parks and Monuments;
  2. Complete our project of visiting all 50 states (12 to go!);
  3. Visit my nephew and his wife in Mozambique;
  4. Learn to knit;
  5. Shoot 100 or better on the golf course;
  6. Visit Tuscany;
  7. Attend the Rose Bowl Parade;
  8. Take a trip on the Orient Express;
  9. Obtain a Master Naturalist certification;
  10. Take piano lessons;
  11. Take liberal arts classes;
  12. View the fall colors in New England.
Now that's a lot to live for!