Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Birding" In Paradise

I am a bird watcher in the purest sense of the word; I am not a bird spotter, a birdcall-recognizer, or a bird identifier -- just a watcher. Compared to me, Carl is a professional (he keeps a field guide beside his chair on the deck), but actually he is an amateur compared to real birders. Regardless of our skill levels, however, we thoroughly enjoy watching the beautiful feathered creatures on our property. Here is a sample of what we see every day (click on the picture for the caption:

1 comment:

  1. O.k. I think I have a guess about why you are getting ads. Don't click on the slide show maker at the very top of the page when you get to That's an advertising slide show. Scroll down just a bit and click on the calmer version. There are several different things you can do from there ("Make a slide show", "SkinFlix," "FunPix, etc." If you make a slide show from there, you won't get the ads. I think.
